Dimence Groep ENC 2022

We offer mental health care, welfare and social services, close to the client. At the Dimence Groep, care is accommodated in a number of effective, partly smaller, foundations, each with its own client population. This allows us to respond more quickly to the wishes and needs of our patients, clients, referrers and financiers.

Our labels

We have the ambition to improve mental health, social participation and well-being of the people in our working area. We work together and share knowledge. We learn from each other and reinforce each other. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

More than 2,800 employees work for more than 50,000 clients per year at the Dimence Group foundations.

Our nurses share their experience and vision about how they see the future of the nursing profession.

Nursing Department

Within our organisation, we have a nursing department formed by our professionals. It is called Vakgroep Verpleging & Verzorging. Their mission: 

Connect nurses & carers with internal and external partners in order to facilitate and professionalize the nursing profession.

Through dialogue and collaboration with colleagues, management, patients and other disciplines, we actively contribute to healthcare policy.

Their vision on the nurse as a health care professional:

  • Nurses in mental health care are aware that they are their own instrument and developing this is necessary in order to remain an expert in their own profession within the healthcare system, the organization and within society.
  • Nurses demonstrate nursing leadership and take responsibility from within their own domain and within own level of expertise.
  • Nurses are aware of their identity and knows what the role, tasks and responsibilities of their profession are. The nurse can reflect on his/her own actions and works methodically, multidisciplinary and according to the latest scientific insights and social topics.


The next part is for our Dutch visitors.

Om onze ambities waar te maken werken we met betrokken professionals die gaan voor de patiënten en cliënten. Deel jij onze visie? Dan ben je meer dan welkom!

We hebben mogelijkheden op het gebied van opleiding, werk in de zomermaanden of de start van jouw carrière. Neem dan via hier een kijkje! 

De Duik

De Duik is een initiatief om laagdrempelig met ons kennis te maken. Via deze zee kun je duiken op verschillende plekken om onze organisatie, of een specifieke functie, beter te leren kennen.

Nieuwsgierig naar onze duikplekken? Neem een kijkje en trek je duikpak aan!


Do you want to know more about our organization or do you have other questions? Contact us at f.manuhutu@dimencegroep.nl and we would love to hear from you.